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Relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain, Reduce Tightness in your Piriformis Muscle

Did you know that doing this stretch for several minutes per day could help?

Weak or tight Piriformis muscles can lead to a variety of problems, both in sports and in everyday life. Stretching can help alleviate or prevent the pain you can experience from this  muscle that lies deep in your buttocks.

What is the function of the Piriformis muscle? The Piriformis muscle is a deep muscle located beneath the gluteal (butt) muscles that play a surprisingly important role in hip flexibility and stability. This large, powerful muscle laterally rotates and stabilizes the hip. The Piriformis works along with other hip rotators to turn the hips and upper leg outward (external rotation of the hip).

The proper function of the Piriformis muscle is essential for athletes who participate in running sports that require sudden changes of direction such as football or basketball. Strong and flexible hip rotators keep hip and knee joints properly aligned with activity and help prevent sudden twisting of the knee during quick side-to-side movements, quick turns, lunges or squats.

According to research, millions of people are experiencing back pain symptoms this very minute, and it is estimated that a huge 80% of people will experience back problems at some point in their lives!

Fitness PILATES is a particularly good form of exercise for many people with back pain as it is designed to strengthen the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which provide support to the back, and we regularly incorporate the Piriformis muscle stretch in our classes.

Pilates has been found to reduce chronic back pain and the disability associated with back pain, and AinyFit Ltd offers three classes a week for all levels of ability.

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AinyFit's Fitness PILATES classes, which are held in Totton and Calmore near Southampton in Hampshire every week, or see what classes we offer and book your session here!

The Piriformis muscle stretch we do in Pilates to help alleviate back pain
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