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Gift AinyFit Class Vouchers to your friends!

 Gift AinyFit Class Vouchers to your friends!

For a unique gift for a friend who loves AinyFit's classes, or if you'd like to gift some classes to someone who has never been before, please fill in this form.

Choose from:
1 x Class Gift Voucher for £6.50
2 x Class Gift Vouchers for £12.00 (£6.00 each)
3 x Class Gift Vouchers for £16.50 (£5.50 each)
4 x Class Gift Vouchers for £20.00 (5.00 each)

The vouchers will be added to your friend's AinyFit account within 24 hours of receiving payment, and they can be applied to ANY class(es) booked/attended with them.
Class Gift Vouchers are valid for six calendar months from the date they are added to an AinyFit account, after which time they will expire if not used.

for a Friend Here!

 Please complete the brief form below to request your Class Gift Vouchers. You will then be redirected to the payment page. Once payment is received, the voucher(s) will be added to your friend's AinyFit Ltd account within the following 24 hours.

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