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How Can I Attend an AinyFit Fitness PILATES or DanceFIT Class?

AinyFit's Fitness PILATES, DanceFIT and WalkFIT Classes can all be booked in advance online ... or you can "drop-in" ... all on a PAYG basis.

If you book your classes online, it is slightly cheaper than if you "drop-in" and pay at the door - see our price plans here.

It is very easy to create an AinyFit account and once you have done that (it is created whilst making your first ever booking) there are also many other things that you can do with your account - see more details about that here.

Here is where you start:

Book AinyFIT DanceFIT or Fitness PILATES

On our booking site you will see details of all the classes that AinyFit offers, where they are, how much they are, and the dates on which they take place - most classes are delivered weekly except for bank holidays and annual holidays, or if they are closed for other personal reasons (very rare)!

When you set up your account and book your first class online, you will be asked a very simple set of 4 or 5 questions - a PARQ (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) - this is a one-off form and is a legal requirement for insurance purposes. Once this has been done, however, there is no need to do it each time you book a class unless your circumstances change. The details are very easy to change from within your account and it is your responsibility to keep them up to date.

Whilst booking, you can book as many classes in advance as you wish, and you can also take advantage of our Class Passes, which can save you money - more details on our Class Passes can be found here.

If a class date is listed, the class is ON, but as a handy guide, here is a list of Class closures for 2023.

If you prefer not to set up an account and book online but would like to just "drop-in" and pay at the door, please note that we do not accept cash or cheques - just cards, please. If you are "dropping in" to your first ever class with AinyFit Ltd, please arrive a few minutes early so that a paper PARQ form can be completed and for your payment to be processed, and so that we can start the class on time.

Please be aware that some classes are very tight for space and/or numbers are kept deliberately low to ensure safe and effective teaching, so if you do drop in and the class has already been fully booked online you may run the risk of being turned away at the door ...  we highly recommend booking in advance to secure your space and the best price.

If you have any further questions, please look at our FAQs here, but if you need any further clarification, don't hesitate to send an email.

I look forward to seeing you in class soon!

Book an AinyFIT Fitness PILATES or DanceFIT Class Here ...
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