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Is your body ready for skiing this season? Read how Pilates can help it become so!

Given that most of us only visit the slopes once a year, skiing can be very taxing on the body. On one run, you may be flying down the mountain, and the next minute you’re face down in a pile of snow. Whilst there are some things you can’t control on the mountain, like the weather, terrain, or other skiers, you can train and strengthen your body, reduce the likelihood of injury, and lessen fatigue.

Skiing requires strength (especially leg strength to protect the knees), endurance (to avoid fatigue), and agility (to react to sudden changes in the terrain). To get maximum benefits on the snow, you should focus training on the following three major muscle groups, in the lead up to your next ski holiday:

  1. Quadriceps – located at the front of your thighs and joining onto the knees, these muscles are very important as you gain speed down the mountain, allowing you to control your turns and soak up the impact of the terrain (especially when it comes to moguls!). The stronger these muscles are, the more they will protect the knees from possible injury.
  2. Gluteals (the buttocks) – play a big role in skiing by stabilising your legs and helping you to balance. Conditioning your gluteal muscles will also help increase your power and endurance.
  3. Abdominals – essential for core stability on the slopes, helping you to stay upright, turn more easily, and prevent lower back injury.

We spend so much time and effort making arrangements for a ski holiday when it comes to accommodation, transport, and equipment, but don’t forget, if your body isn’t in the right condition, it can lead to soreness and injury. It’s all very well having a great first day on the slopes, but if you’re so stiff that you can’t get out of bed on day two, it can put a real dampener on the trip!


Are you ready for the ski season!? But is your BODY ready for ski season? While we all reason to ourselves that skiing in itself is a great way to stay in shape in reality you need to prepare physically before you ever hit the slopes. Failure to do so could mean a lengthy stay in bed, a hospital stay or even missing out on the fun of skiing entirely in the future!

Sure, the exhilaration of hurtling down a mountain slope covered in sparkling white snow is unbeatable, however it can also be physically taxing on your knees and lower back. Pilates is a perfect way for skiers to avoid injuries as well as regain or enhance your balance and muscular control. The following are examples of exercises that we conduct in our Pilates classes in Calmore that will help you strengthen your knees and lower back so you can conquer the slopes effortlessly – and without risking any more chronic injuries.


Skiers are especially prone to anterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament and meniscus injuries, as well as lower back injuries caused by fatigue and poor core stabilisation. The motion of skiing also increases stress on the spine, as the hips and lower extremities move in a way that can cause muscle imbalances and compensations. Thankfully, there are specific Pilates exercises that can help combat these injuries and prevent them from occurring in the first place, and AinyFit's classes usually incorporate all of the ones mentioned below, and more:


Pelvic tilting or imprinting is a simple yet effective lower back exercise focusing on switching on your deep core muscles. It helps build strength in your spinal support system.

  • Lie on your back in a Neutral Spine, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Inhale, softly engage and lift your pelvic floor muscles (these are the ones that support your bladder region). Pull your navel inward toward your spine, exhale and imprint your lower back into the floor.
  • Inhale and return to Neutral Spine.


The flat spine twist helps stretch the back muscles. Controlling this movement strengthens your oblique muscles, supporting your spine further.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent in table top and arms in outward ‘T’ position.
  • Keep your knees squeezed together, rotate legs to one side as far your opposite shoulder is in contact with the floor.
  • Exhale while simultaneously pulling your navel into your spine. Pull your knees back to the centre using your obliques.
  • Repeat the above for your opposite side.


  • Lie on your back with your arms in outward ‘T’ position.
  • Extend one leg up vertical with a flexed foot, opposite leg imprinted into the floor to keep pelvis stable. Move your vertical leg cross your midline then down and around in a circle focusing on keeping pelvis still.
  • Repeat the above for your alternate leg.


  • Lie flat on your side, with your knees bent one on top of the other.
  • Elevate your heels off the ground for a fuller range of movement with the top leg.
  • Keep your bottom leg stable and squeeze your glutes and upper thigh opening your top leg like a clamshell.
  • Point your knees upwards without your top hip falling back, keeping your pelvis stacked.

Try these four exercises at home and you will condition yourself in much better shape to tackle the slopes this Winter!

Alternatively, if you’d prefer the motivation of a group Pilates class to assist you with your workout then why not come to one of AinyFit's classes?? Book here ...

Is your body ready for skiing this season? Read how Pilates can help it become so!
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