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NEW Fitness PILATES Class for beginner/improver levels at Testwood School, starting on Monday 18th March at 6:30pm

Every Monday evening (except bank holidays) starting on 18th March 2024, 6:30pm in the Gymnasium at Testwood School, Testwood Lane, Totton, Southampton, SO40 3ZW.

This Fitness PILATES class is designed for beginners and improvers alike and our classes will help you improve your core strength, flexibility, and overall fitness level.

Fitness PILATES is a group exercise class using the original teachings, principles and exercises of Joseph Pilates delivered in a modern and functional group exercise session.

Fitness PILATES addresses basic postural imbalances, improves back and core strength and enhances mobility and flexibility in a non-intimidating, fun and enjoyable class set to music.

It is an all-inclusive programme designed to strengthen weaker areas of the body and is suitable for all levels of fitness and the generally healthy adult.


(Booking is essential as there are limited spaces available)

Find out more about AinyFit's Fitness PILATES Classes here.

Every Monday evening (except bank holidays) starting on 18th March 2024, 6:30pm in the Gymnasium at Testwood School, Testwood Lane, Totton, Southampton, SO40 3ZW.
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