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DanceFIT Classes in Calmore and Marchwood, near Southamtpon

Are you tired of the same old boring workouts? Are you ready to spice things up and shake your groove thing? Well, you're in luck because DanceFIT classes are here to add some fun and funk to your fitness routine.

We have the best DanceFIT classes ever - and all the music you need to stay in shape! Our two weekly groups (Monday mornings in Calmore and Wednesday mornings in Marchwood) include an amazing mix of people - all kinds of shapes, sizes, and skill levels - even two left feet are welcome! And don't even worry if your coordination isn't perfect, because nobody needs it to get a great workout!

Our fitness dance exercise program is designed to get your heart rate up while also keeping you entertained. No more counting reps or sets, just move your body to the beat and let the music be your guide.

Not only is aerobic dance dance fitness a great way to improve your physical health, but it's also been proven to boost your mood and mental wellbeing. Who knew sweating it out on the dance floor could be so therapeutic?

And for all you, shall we say, older people out there, don't be afraid to bust a move! In fact, dance is the best exercise for seniors as it can improve balance, coordination, and memory. Plus, who doesn't want to show off their killer moves at the next family gathering?

So come join us at our Calmore and Marchwood locations for a dance keep fit session like no other.

Warning: you may leave with sore muscles, a huge smile, and an uncontrollable urge to break out into dance at any given moment.

But hey, we think that's a small price to pay for the benefits of fitness and fun combined.

See you on the dance floor - book your space here, or request more information here!

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